Ibu Masiroh is an Indonesian farmer fighting for equal opportunity and an end to prejudice through the Ibu Hebat (Great Mother) sessions, which seeks to empower and increase the income of women farmers.
Ibu Masiroh's story takes place in Madura, the site of Corteva's partnership with PRISMA, the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture.
The program was able to increase the income of over 13,500 Farmers in Madura by 290%, and Ibu Masiroh was one of these ladies who was able to benefit - sending her daughter to school in Jakarta with the extra income that she earned.
Despite her modesty and quietness, Ibu Masiroh spoke with authority and confidence - when she spoke, everyone listened with interest and passion.
Corteva is extremely humbled to have been able to support Ibu Maisiroh in her agricultural journey, and look forward to empowering more women.
Watch her video below: